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Featured Jobs
Police Agent (Officer)
City of Lakewood, CO
Lakewood, CO
13 days ago
The nationally recognized and accredited City of Lakewood Police Department is now accepting applications for the expected July 2025. Applications will be accepted through the City's website until April 3, 2025 at 12:00 AM. The City of Lakewood offers excellent compensation and benefits. New Recruits will be paid during their training, which includes a 24-week academy and 16 weeks of field training. We are looking for lateral candidates or students who will have obtained their bachelor s degr...
Patrol Officer
Williston Police Department
Williston, ND
6 days ago
Patrol Officer The Williston Police Department is accepting entry-level and lateral patrol officer applications. Successful entry-level applicants will attend the 12-week Law Enforcement Academy to become licensed peace officers in North Dakota. Entry level applicants are required to pass a physical agility test, and lateral applicants must take the test. Applicants with less than two years of licensed law enforcement experience are required to pass a written exam. Please visit the City of Wi...
Senior Associate II Planner
CGL Companies
Elmore, AL
17 days ago
Description CGL is a provider of justice facility planning, design, and program management and maintenance solutions to justice facilities and other public facilities throughout the U.S. and internationally.A Brief OverviewOur Senior Associate Planner at CGL manages projects that range from moderately sized to very large and complex. This role is a great fit for someone who knows how to multi-task and enjoys keeping track of the details to ensure all the projects run smoothly. Our ideal candi...
Deputy Sheriff (Patrol): Non-Certified & Certified/Experienced/Lateral
Lancaster County Sheriff's Office
Lancaster, SC
183 days ago
$60,341 with Bachelor's Degree* (Doesn't include paid holidays or Training) Salary Information on Career Ladder (Effective July 2nd, 2024) Entry Level: $56,925 - 62,618 without degree/ $58,632 (AS) / $60,341 (BS) / $62,048 (MA) annual Academy Graduate: $59,771 (Prestigeous JP Strom Award Recipient will receive 5% over starting 56,925 and with a BA/BS = $63,187 and may receive new take-home patrol vehicle) annual Lateral Transfer: (Depending on years of experience) $56,925 - $76,818 annual Top...
Corrections Officer
Lancaster County Sheriff's Office
Lancaster, SC
184 days ago
Job Opportunities | Departments: Sheriff's Office, Detention Center | Sorted by Job Title ascending | Lancaster County Sheriff's Office ( Salary Information Effective July 2nd, 2024: Entry Level: $53,648 with No Previous Experience annual Entry Level Pay with Bachelor's Degree: $56,987 with No Previous Experience Top Pay: $72,700 (without rank) annual Breakdown of Career Ladder: Effective July 2nd, 2024 SALARY DETENTION CENTER Education Incentive Correctional Ofc. I $53,648...
Clark County, Nevada
Las Vegas, NV
28 days ago
ABOUT THE POSITION Department of Juvenile Justice Services is a comprehensive public service agency that performs more than the traditional Juvenile Court functions of probation and detention. The department also provides intervention services, guidance and daily supervision for youth ages 18 and under who are involved in delinquency and truancy. We strive to ensure a safe community through partnerships involving youth, families, and community stakeholders. Our mission is to promote the safet...
Deputy Sheriff
Jackson County Sheriff's Office
Walden, CO
20 days ago
The Jackson County Sheriff s Office covers a county wide population of 1400 citizens, consisting of recreation, oil and gas, timber harvest, ranching and agriculture. Walden is the county seat with most of the county population consisting of approximately 840 people living in Walden. Jackson County also covers the historic town of Gould, Rand, Teller City, Pearl, Cordrey, Hebron, and Coalmot. The Jackson County Sheriff s Office patrols 1628 square miles of private land, US Forest Service, US ...
Clark County, Nevada
Las Vegas, NV
28 days ago
ABOUT THE POSITION *This recruitment is limited to current retired employees who have a valid NV P.O.S.T. Category II or Category I certification only.* Clark County Department of Juvenile Justice Services is recruiting for the position of Juvenile Probation Officer II Critical Labor Shortage (JPO-CLS).Department of Juvenile Justice Services is a comprehensive public service agency that performs more than the traditional Juvenile Court functions of probation and detention. The department also...